
Friday, April 12, 2019

Vision Quest Essay Example for Free

Vision need EssaySUMMARYIts my outset cadence to passing game alone, in first 30 minutes in doing my vision pick up there is a little harder it my scatter mostly in my mind, be shake while I am manner of walking my tikehood fuck off intercourse flashback in my mind, seriously I dont motivation to remind again my childhood day, because that part of my life ar one of the worst part that I ever had, I cant experience the happy and complete family during that time, because of that in this part of my seek meld feeling get hold to me ,boredom and a little anxious by chance because of the prejudicious thoughts creating in my mind ,and when I stop at playground Im just like a child trust to play but I control my self, maybe because Im to old to that in Im only one person in that place, and Im just ideateing that if whatsoever person see me and play at the playground Im rattling conscious what they be feedback to me. In this quest Im also feel the day dreaming whil e walking I saw a various car and I imagine that in the future I pretend my admit car in this part my mind change into positive because car move me to pursue my self to finish and studying hard, but during Im walking the fliers that two goose gave to me change my attention because that fliers are close to job hiring and Im cerebration that I deprivation to have a car I says if I apply possible this is the opportunity the me to buy a car but my favorite quotation lay in into my mind its about(predicate) Opportunity my knock at a time only, But come-on leans on the doorbell and my attention back to my study I ask to my self if I finish my study non only car but also a legal job waiting to me, and I think in my quotation the opportunity is my scholarship this instant and the temptation during that time are the fliers that impose to me to apply a work.It also flashback into my mind the words that says my classmate about the 5 students failed in Educ. 7 grammatical case. I feel the hopeless because Im thinking maybe one the 5 are me, I feel nervous and a little anxious I says if that happen I dont deal what I doing to my self ,the word suicide store to my mind but later on it change into positive I says Im not belong to the 5 studentsI experience a paranoid feeling because of big bucks of people walk in road and Im thinking those people look at me and there think something to me and noise of many vehicles distract to me to think positive because of this I stop and relaxed my mind to divert my thinking into positive and probably it very helpful to me because my thoughts slowly divert into positive,At the last of my vision quest I think this are the very shapeing part and it discontinues me a clearly meaning of my life, first in the lead I end up at overpass at Ligaya road Marcos highway the thoughts insert in my mind the paranoid part of my experience while Im walking, I says I dont care other people what thoughts creating in there mind, what I doing now Im happy and who they are in my self. And when I stop at center of overpass it about 5 30 PM the climate are to hot because of pollution created a lot vehicle in road and I look up into the sky and I says God how long I experience a risk and difficulty in my life, and a few seconds I turn my precede in the other side of the over pass and I saw the pulubi and I feel fuse emotion anger and awa, and I adopt that Im so blessed because Im not like a pulubi they much kawawa than to me and in my case I much a lot of opportunity than to her. In again I say to god .thank for what I have now,I learn to this quest a acceptance and learn by the experience, other person blame experience confide their into worst situation, but they not realize that experience are best to have a cracking foundation of our life, other person they not accept what they have now like me .in my quest it give me a clear thoughts or insight that anything happen are helpful to us, it put us in good not t o worst ,learning by experience give us a positive heed it remind us that anything that we do always thing if it for better not to worst.Accept what we are now and what we have also clarify into me because sometimes I ask question into my self the word Why, What and How in my vision quest it clearly that those word are no place in my life, I realize that all things happen to me are so blessed.THE SIGNI attempt only one time to use sign up in order to answer the creating question into my mind in that was the part that I feel hopeless, anxious, because of the humors ask by my classmate about the result of the grading in one of my subject ,its to very realistic things that if Im not studying hard I failed. In that part I says if I see a checked sign it means Im not belong to the five students, and Im not expected I see the truck of place Nike and I slowly smile and creating a questioned how very significant the sign in my situation. But I realize and say Im not included in five stud ents because I know in my self that I pass and submit all the requirements in that subject, thats why my negative feelings slowly calm and I continuing doing my vision.In our Biblical theology before they use sign in order to know what god want to us to people in part of Moises before they will do an act they ask a sign to god. In my experience about my quest sign are only help me to calm my negative thoughts, but the truth is all things happen are totally done sign cant change the result, I learn that always aware what is consequences in what we are doing in my case that if I study hard of course in birth it will give me a good benefits as well.THEORITICAL EXPLANATIONIndividual experience create a tremendous effect of the attitude, personality and behavior of an soulfulness it very important that in life of individualist they experience a complete positively life situation. If one person experience during their childhood, incomplete holdfast to their family it will result a neg ative thoughts and insight , if that person attain the right age what they are experience during childhood it triggers and it cause of trouble, hopeless in life and sometimes being paranoid.Anxiety rail during they childhood when they feel fear and no one of their family help the child to reduce fear it set up anxiety to the child. Although fear is leads to increase in affiliative behavior, anxiety is more likely to lead to a trim need for affiliation. Feel hopeless these negative thoughts develop when individual childhood experience the discomfort of their family, it very important to the child part the comport that the child family give, once the affection of the parents cant feel the child later on it develop hopeless because the child cant complete achieve the love by their parents. Paranoid develop during childhood when their parents always the child here a folk story a horror story it develop to the mind of the child not healthy environment that may cause paranoid later on it triggers and they think a not normal to their environment.In order to be a healthy the mind of the child it very important if we are aware how the help them to have a good mind set, childhood are important for development also as individual be concern of what they adapt not only to the environment but the most important is to their own family, character and personality are mold inside the house or the family if the child leaving in not healthy the result also is the unhealthy personality or attitude and behaviors.The empirical customs seeks a balance between recognizing the limits and tragic dimensions of humans existence on one hand and the possibilities and opportunities of human life on the other hand. It grew out of a desire to help people engage the dilemmas of modern life, such as isolation, alien-ation, and meaninglessness. The current focus of the existential approach is on the individuals experience of being in the world alone and facing the anxiety of this isolatio n. The existential view of human temper is captured, in part, by the notion that the significance of our existence is never fixed once and for all rather, we continually re-create ourselves through our projects.Humans are in a constant state of transition, emerging, evolving, and becoming. Being a person implies that we are discovering and making sense of our existence. We continually question ourselves, others, and the world. Although the specific questions we raise vary in accordance with our developmental stage in life, the fundamental themes do not vary. We pose the same questions philosophers have pondered throughout Western history Who am I? What can I know? What ought I to do? What can I hope for? Where am I going? The basic dimensions of the human condition, according to the existential approach, include(1) The capacity for self-awareness(2) Freedom and responsibility(3) Creating ones identity and establishing meaningful relationships with others(4) The search for meaning, purpose, values, and goals(5) Anxiety as a condition of living and(6) Awareness of death and nonbeing. I develop these propositions in the quest sections by summarizing themes that emerge in the writings of existential philosophers and psychotherapists, and I also discuss the implications for counseling drill of each of these propositions.

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